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Association of Castles, Manor and Manor Houses Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania e. V.

c/o Ludorf Manor House
Rondell 7-8

17207 Süd Müritz – OT Ludorf

Phone: (+ 49) 039931 – 84011

Registered in the register of associations at the district court Neubrandenburg No. 2050

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Editor: Claudia Schaffhausen

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The responsibility for the content of the pages “Stories” lies with the journalist Annika Kiehn, Seestraße 6A, 17033 Neubrandenburg, Tel. +49176 23494935

generel requests: annikakiehn (at) ,

The contents of the pages on the regions are based on the work and contents of the individual partners. Information on tourist offers of the regions was researched on the following sites:,,,,

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Our offer contains links to external websites of third parties, on whose contents we have no influence. Therefore we cannot assume any liability for these external contents. The respective provider or operator of the sites is always responsible for the contents of the linked sites. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time of linking. Illegal contents were not identifiable at the time of linking. However, a permanent control of the contents of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete evidence of a violation of the law. If we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such links immediately.

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Photo sources

Homepage, Headerbilder: Gutshaus Ludorf, Christinehof Castle, Skane, Festival Photo: Herrenhaus Vogelsang

Others: Herrenhaus Vogelsang, DOMUSImages . Gutshaus Ludorf, Schloss Broock ©TVV/Pocha/Burwitz . Schloss Kaarz, Andreas Dürst, Park Danish Castle: Jan Rusek

Baltic Manor Landscape: Headerbilder: Zwartowo, Poland . Zinzow, Vorpommern, ©TVV/“ Historische Aufnahme Herrenhaus Carlsruhe, AtelierA.Mencke_Hamburg_©_StiftungMecklenburg

Others:  Schloss Retzow, Gutshaus Below  Jan Rusek  , Manors Wietzow ©TVV/, Castle Christinehof Wänner, Wartislaw Church Stolpe, historic postcard from Pedestrup


Western Lithuania: Šereitlaukis Manor historic Picture, Nature Pictures: Rambynas Nature Park, Šilutė manor V.Pielikis,

Kashubia: Pictures from Palac Krokowa, Header picture: Folwark Jackowo by Robert Zieleziński, Rumia, Klanino, Nature pictures  by Tourist Association Northern Kashubia. Portraits of horses and Pictures inside of Pałac Ciekocinko by Jan Rusek

Parseta River Basin: Hotel Ryman, Kozia Góra by Krystian, Nosowo Palac, Bukowko Manor, Bukowko Church, All pictures from Związek Miast i Gmin Dorzecza Parsęty

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Gutshaus Zinzow ©TVV/“ , Schloss Schmarsow ©TVV/ Gutshaus Ludorf. Herrenhaus Vogelsang Domusimages, Gut Pohnstorf, Gutshaus Stolpe, Lake Fincken Claudia Schaffhausen

Lolland-Falster: Jan Rusek , Museum Lolland-Falster, Pedestrup, Reventlow Museum Exhibition Ingrid Ris, historic postcard of Fuglsang

South Sweden: Bicycle picture and chef kitchen picture: Creative Commons erkännande Klara Leo from, others from Culture Association Christinas Wänner

Exhibition: Castle Kummerow DOMUSImages, Castles Ivenack and others by  Jan Rusek, christian fregnan by unsplash, Watercastle Quilow

Rambynas Regional Park all pictures by Rambynas Regional Park

Wejherowo: All pictures authorized by Museum for literature and music in Kashubia, Neustadt historic postcard

Parseta River Basin: Karlino, Lubiechowo Pałac,Kozia Goro, All pictures authorized from Związek Miast i Gmin Dorzecza Parsęty

Quilow:  All pictures authorized by Association Vorpommersche Dorfstrasse, Main picture: ©TMV-Gänsicke, “Abendlicht über Peene”: Gutshaus Stolpe

Pedestrup: All pictures authorized by Museum Lolland-Falster, Pedestrup Visit by Jan Rusek, Exhibition at Reventlow by Ingrid Riis, Concert picture by Mogens Warrer

Christinehof Castle: All pictures authorized Culture Association Christinas Wänner, photo by Hedda Rabe

Svaneholm Castle: All pictures authorized Wemmenhögs Museum Association at Svaneholm Castle

Festival: Herrenhaus Vogelsang Heinrich von Schimmer, Gutshaus Ludorf, Sommer im Gutshaus Stolpe, Herrenhaus Vogelsang, Visit to polish manors: Jan Rusek

Project: pictures by Jan Rusek

Stories: all Picture are by Annika Kiehn or Jan Rusek, pictures of Herrenhaus Vogelsang by DOMUSIMages, Schloss Kummerow by Schloss Kummerow, Water Castle Quilow by Watercastle Quilow, other mentioned in the articles

Offers & Tours: ©TVV/Pocha_Burwitz, ©TMV/Krauss, ©janrusek, ©Gutshaus Ludorf

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Our offer contains links to external websites of third parties, on whose contents we have no influence. Therefore we cannot assume any liability for these external contents. The respective provider or operator of the sites is always responsible for the contents of the linked sites. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time of linking. Illegal contents were not recognizable at the time of linking. However, a permanent control of the contents of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete evidence of a violation of the law. If we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such links immediately.


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