More Articles from our Travelblog about the Baltic Manors

I feel tired but delighted recalling the past three days. I came to Lithuania to join a study group traveling all over the country to explore the manorial heritage.

The iron heart of Pederstrup Manor
The cast iron cooking range of the manor house Pederstrup, which is now the Reventlow-Museum of Lolland, has been thoroughly renovated.

The heritage Ambassadors from Parseta River Basin
Sometimes, luck is being pushed on you. One could argue that luck is innately determined by chance, but I think that is only half true.
Read more … The heritage Ambassadors from Parseta River Basin

In love with Manor Life
Escape to the countryside, start anew—that was the major plan of teacher Dirk Legall and his partner, the actor Uwe Eichler in 2014. After a fateful call with the Foundation Stiftung Denkmalschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Community vibes at castle Svaneholm
The term “space pioneer” first appeared in the German province of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the mid-1990s. It addresses brave folks who dare to move into the countryside

“I am exactly in the right p(a)lace!”
Working at the Plungė Art Museum, a melting pot of Samogitian, Lithuanian, as well as international arts and crafts, her energetic spirit promises a worthwhile visit.

Soul Food from Hugo Scheu
Isn’t it true that each of us has a small collection of things we like? When we hand them to the next generation or sell them on eBay or at a flea market, we all add up to a living museum of cultural goods

Dear Christina Piper,...
What if all of the historic houses were to vanish? Could you fathom that? I grieve for the buried history whenever an old house is demolished—regardless of how shabby it looks.

The Wine Rebel at Manor Frederiksdal
When things come to an end, there is always a chance for something new...

Taking Roots at Manor Jackowo
A Mother-Daughter Duo finds their Calling at an abandoned manorial Estate in Poland....

Workation at Manor Damerow
In Summer 2019, Felicitas Gobbers opened a Coworking Space in a village in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern...

Dark Days at manor Schmarsow
Unknown perspectives of Post-War-Life on the German Estate Schmarsow....

“A Baroque garden was the smart phone of the 16th century”
Frederik Lüttichau, the owner of manor Søholt, talks about finding pleasure in nature 400 years ago...
Read more … “A Baroque garden was the smart phone of the 16th century”

From being Teachers to becoming Spacepioneers
Zofia Koczan and her husband once worked as teachers at Bukówko manor. For 20 years now, they have been running the place as a hideaway...